Thursday, February 15, 2007

Al Franken for Senate

This isn't entirely related to my blog, but he is very intelligent and articulate, and I think he would do a great job. Plus he is very environmentally conscious so it sort of relates to my blog here.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi- I have aquatic art- "sosfish"
and "A Leap of Faith" they were at MIT Stata and need to go to a new site to promote and engage regarding-Water/Climate/Food.

Please look at the paintings/set
that relates to climate issues.

I am looking for an exhibit site and a way to build "In the Theater of Climate" as an interactive/improv with humor about climate balance.

A "new opera" with a whistle while you work approach to climate change.

Contact me if your interested or have interested friends.

Thank you- cheers to P.W.

also see "SOSFish" and
Boston StepitUP 2007